Tuesday 8 March 2016


I've never been that inclined to keep in touch with people I know. But then you can't really call yourself someone I know right? You're probably coming across this on my facebook page or you're one of the 4 people who've subscribed to this. If you're my husband,reading this to support me, thanks honey.Don't forget to feed the fishies.
Anyway, regardless of how you came here,allow me to give you a brief insight as to what this is about because I'm doing this after 3 years and I forgive you if you've forgotten.
I usually write about nonsense that provokes me , then subsequently get  really annoyed about it and then get carried away.Then people think I'm really frustrated and jobless,because god forbid , if one has a hobby other than looking after the well being of your husband or die away slowly at work while you mind numbingly sit and try to convince people to take the bloody medicines or get lost in the most diplomatic way so that they still let you practice medicine.

Interesting so far?  Let me kill it for you right there.
This is one of those posts where I will ramble on aimlessly.Where you will question yourself,repeatedly,as to what this idiot is on about?,When will this shit end?, How did I even get here ?
Admittedly I have a major dearth of subjects that I can actually talk about because of the cesspool of nonsense my life has become. I do not do anything remotely interesting, other than go to work, come back and do my share of housework. I could talk about the fragrance difference and lasting effects of comfort vs downy and show you my diagrammatic representation of cost effectiveness but would that interest you ? I think not.

So this mundane turn of affairs has left me a little petrified. With the thirties looming over my life like  chlamydia over a hooker's, I feel like I don't have much to show the world(not what the hooker shows though).It's another one of those major milestones. Like when you throw your brother off your bicycle , or when you finally know for sure that someone will definitely grope you,when you get on public transport, or when you realize that you will never be satisfied with any number of shoes.  I have this trepidation that if someone on the street, stops me and asks" What have you achieved so far?" I might not have much to say. Well , primarily because a) Really creepy. Why on earth would I even entertain a random question on the street from a stranger ( taking this moment to make people aware of  stranger danger) b) On regular anti social days I barely get out,on to the streets ,so this whole point will be negated,
Jokes apart, why does society imply that you have to be immensely successful at 30? I understand if you re a business scion but I look at people's booboos for a living. Do you realize how many years it takes for us to finish studying and start earning ?Why is every one's success measured with the same yard stick?
Personally, I never ask people questions to assess their prosperousness . I don't do questions that give room for self reflection and possible crying into pillows at night when I'm gone. I usually en glut whatever information people volunteer willingly,then go back home and wonder in solitude if I should have asked more or did I look like a retard nodding my way through the whole conversation.
Its like people are some how wired to remind you of how your life is not up to their expectations.If there was an app they would have rated you 2.3 with a critical review and a verdict  detailing whether others should even bother striking up a conversation with you in the first place.
 I do wish my life was interesting. I do wish I could travel every other month to exotic locations,around the world, with my diplomat passport and eat smoked caviar , sip some chardonnay while I ease my pedicured feet out of my Jimmy choos and turn my perfect surgically corrected nose up in  utter disdain at the lack of quality of the hors d'oeuvres they're serving on my private yacht.
 Then again people would still find something wrong and judge that my life is not up to the expectations in their mind .
So my moral of the story in the midst of all this immorality is that for the love of all things sweet and precious , stop asking people uncomfortable personal questions. I really don't want to talk about my uterus or why I don't want to stay in India or why I don't have opinions about the feel of your face after waxing off your moustache, If I honestly don't care enough to tell you in the first place , I doubt I'd be okay with you forcing it out of me.
Don't let anyone belittle the things you've accomplished whether it be something fantastic like a post graduate diploma or something trivial as getting your laundry done in time. No yardstick matters as much as your own.

Non-judging-ly yours

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