Monday 19 March 2012

Why we don't give a shit !

Its March and I clearly havent been posting anything resourceful this year other than shady massage stories and how george clooney's coming out has depressed me beyond repair . Not that You'd expect me to post anything resourceful either .So its a win-win situation .
Other than addressing a thyroid that seems to be comatose and body fat that forms 80 percent of my body ( according to that smug instructor bitch at the gym), my year has started off on quite a good note thank you .

Nattu and I decided to get married because he needed a reason to take a week off from work and I was jobless enough to humour him ,as getting a post graduation seat in medicine is almost like going to the dealers to get a ferrari with the money for an autorickshaw.
We also figured it'll be a once in a lifetime opportunity to actually have someone take a nice picture of us together without the light reflecting off nattu's face and my arm fat looking like its going to eat him any moment .

Coming to the real reason why this note is being written . I've had my fair share of trysts with possibly the most toxic people spewen on earth by Lucifer himself . Yes , Unbelievably privileged . FML.

Out of the 25 years that I 've walked this earth . Oh ok who am I kidding .Out of the 25 years I've spent slouching about and eating on this earth ,I've met appallingly few people who go by the principle of live and let live .
90% of the people in my social circle firmly believe that ANY business is their business . May it be that tiny nail you decided to colour electric blue to life changing career decisions its almost gauranteed that they have to be involved for the sake of their OWN betterment before masking it under the pretence of them doing the same for YOUR sake.
There is a period in everyones lives where anything your peers say is taken in high regard and its absolutely equal to social murder when we end up doing something that is NOT manipulated by them . Of course 10% of us grow up after this . But I've come to recent note that the rest of us devote ourselves to being eaten alive at the hands of manipulative megalomaniacs .

Often it takes a life event to slap you back into reality . I had one of those epiphanies during my undergraduate days at a hell hole I called college. I was put in a room of 90 odd people ,50% of whom I detested. But that was fine , I didn't intend to be  awarded the Miss Congeniality sash belt  at any point of my life . Nevertheless as hard as it is to admit ,its awfully hurtful when you realize the lips that smile at you during the day is probably the one that says the nastiest things about you otherwise .

Thankfully all it took was a half day out of class, solo walks back to the hostel ,678 cups of coffee and a large amount of hate notes posted on notice boards for me to pause ,crtl save and start a new chapter .

The chapter where I don't give 2 shits anymore . I don't care if you think I was born with 124 toes and I eat pig ears for breakfast because I realized that there will be people who hate me even if I didnt .  I could act comatose and people would still find fault with that . " Look at that she's not coded properly . Why, that bitch !".
This of course preserves my waning sanity, as if I took the nastiest crap to heart, I would've jumped off a cliff a while back and I possibly wouldn't have had the privilege that is my life right now . 

Anyway till someone develops a crass  free app where the consumer can  send a mini electrocution to the recepient with " I DONT GIVE A SHIT "  in glowing cap letters  we've got to resort to letting toxic monsters know personally that you really wish you could be a part of their enticing ways but have other things to do as such as fluffing the feathers of your duster , scraping gum off your shoes ,practicing moonwalking for the next dance dance revolution , grooving to bieber songs and calling random numbers to let them know you're the grim reaper. 

So if you come to me or my friends with complacent remarks of how we're probably stupid because we 're 25 and haven't found a foothold for our career or why we haven't found our love yet  or why we're not social butterflies that long to pierce the world with our infectious yearning for attention , on behalf of the 10% of us whom you label abnormal , may I kindly ask you to note ..



  1. Hey, I just stumbled upon this blog and I really liked it. Great repartee, very satirical. Good going!

  2. Sorry for the late reply ! Lol .. Glad that you liked my banter xx
